Monday, March 23, 2009

Ponies Gone Wild!

This panda always hated My Little Pony. That stupid song about rainbows (I hated rainbows as a child.  That's normal, right?) and secret names and what have you, and their horrible cartoon.  

Not to mention their funny sweet plastic smell and hair.  WTF ponies do not have people hair! Nor should they get in a turquoise human shaped bath tub.  (This was one of the accessories I got as a birthday present one year)
Luckily for me, Mari Kasurinen has made My Little Ponies accessible and even, (gasp!) lovable to Pony haters around the world.  
Honestly, when you are drawing from classic themes you can never go wrong.  Isn't that right, Cubee Craft?

Is it me or is the My Little Slave Leia strangely attractive?  More so than her human model.

I don't even like Alien vs. Predator but these are off the hook! Predator is about to F some Alien up! 

A classic duo that only seems appropriate done up in pony.
And you thought the Heath Ledger version was scary.  See you in my nightmares, Joker Pony.

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