Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Two Favorite Things, Together At Last

Michael Jackson and Religious/Midieval Iconography.  

Oh, my new favorite poem?

I am the thinker, the thinking
the thought
I am the seeker, the seeking, 
the sought
I am the dewdrop, the sunshine
the storm
I am the phenomenon, the field,
the form
I am the desert, the ocean
the sky
I am the Primeval Self
in you and I

Michael Jackson
But wait, there's more!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Next Time I Sign A Lease It's Going To Be Here

Firstly, much technical difficulties have kept me from blogging. Much apologies to the 5 followers and to my panda partner. Secondly, much searching has finally paid off and I have a new apartment! One thing this apartment struggle taught me was that I need a long-term living plan. The Venus Project is just the ticket! They're "beyond politics, poverty and war" and I want to get on their waitlist asap!

Exploit Me!

I never thought I would say this, but this album cover might be better than the Weezy mixtape series. And you know it must be good if that's what's on my mind.

One blog had the nerve to call the album artwork "scary". If by "scary" they mean "amazing" then I am in complete agreement.

So far the Aussie duo has 2 videos in which they appropriate cursory elements of wherever they are (ie martial art-like moves and a silk jacket on location in Shanghai; feathers, skull iconography in the Icamole Desert, Mexico—and of course a few native looking folks here and there to make it authentic.)

Part of me wants to hate on them, but it's hard to when they keep turning out great photogs (never mind the music!). The rest of me wants to join the Cult--oops I mean Empire at www.walkingonadream.com Then, the first part of me wants to hate on them again for their interview costumes, uh, I mean outfits. So many typos today!

The group plans to travel the world, shooting in a different location for each of the songs off the album and ultimately merging them into a feature film, so I suppose I have plenty of time to make up my mind.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monday to Friday!

FX is the best! First, The Shield, now this? What's next, a Brazilian soccer name generator? Oh wait, that already exists.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Toes Done Up With The Fingernails Matchin

This is what I would call "Pro Nails"
Damn you, Lindsay!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Up To My Old Tricks

Pandas don't really need shoes, or any clothing for that matter. Which is why these hiking boots with 5 amazing colorways and these robin-hood-ass-boots exist only in my dreams.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The sites are coo; yes it's fun learn to snowboard in perfect conditions, say, or go to a gay Easter parade and get lots of beads for example, but I can safely say that the BEST thing about Shotor and I going on vacation to separate places is the hilarious MMS we send to each other...at least 1 an hour, don't be intimidated. Who else would appreciate a picture of the oldest iron in the world, or a huge tower of sandwiches or even a professional photoshoot of donuts. Oh wait, I guess you guys might like to see that too...

Here you go, strictly from my Blueberry, no real cameras allowed:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Facts About Pandas

Pandas have crazy allergies, as you might know, but this panda can't tell if she's blinded by them or drawn to floral patterns in spite of them...shouldn't I be allergic to these?

Did you know a panda's favorite color is neon?

Or that panda's are partial to purple?

Yeah, there are a lot of things you don't know about pandas.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Vanishing Cabinate Members Game

Israeli newspapers aimed at ultra-Orthodox Jewish readers removed the images of the two new female Cabinet members. See if you can figure out which photo is the original and which one is the Orthodox approved version!

This puzzle has been compared by many to the "Vanishing Leprechaun Puzzle" that is hugely popular in Ireland and Mobiles County, Alabama.

I still can't decide which is my favorite.