Sunday, March 1, 2009

Musical Theater 2.0

Even though reviewers trashed this movie, a certain panda you may know of just watched and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Sure it's often uncomfortably cheesy and gives only a cursory glance to the timeline surrounding the music.  Yes, it's plot was weak and love story fairly contrived.  But certain elements made it seem more like a long music video (á la Help! or A Hard Days Night) than a weird quasi-musical and that's what makes it rad instead of ridiculous.  To be fair, you must admit to liking a certain element of corniness.  If you can't you must stop reading now and stop lying to yourself.  Oh, you're still here?  After all, didn't Moulin Rouge! get nominated for some Oscars?  Of course some would argue that Oscars mean little these days, but they recognize some good things, don't they?  Don't they?
Since this panda refuses to view the movie as a full-length feature film however, she has no qualms about recommending it to you, to be taken with a grain of salt.  Like any good, or let's be honest, great band like the Beatles, there are bound to be songs we dislike or even—gasp!—hate.  So too, has this feature-length-performance-of-the-musical-genre-that-is-not-a-movie.  Some parts must be skipped.  Don't worry, I've culled the best two numbers for your enjoyment:

The Uncle Sam coming to life at the beginning is not the best part, but what's not to love about the boxes full of scary screening processes?

Bono sucks as usual but Eddie Izzard is on point here despite what you may say, Stephen Holden!

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