340 23rd Avenue, Oakland, CA(510) 533-1425
Point of Fashion: Diner
Yelp Invoked: Yes
Booths: Yes
Hobo Burger: Winner
A Note About Yelp: This panda is against it. Comments on websites can't be trusted. Have you ever looked at the comments on YouTube? At least the idiots who write those comments aren't trying to take themselves too seriously (or maybe they are?) but the Yelp personalities are extreme snobby snobs.Point of Fashion: Diner
Yelp Invoked: Yes
Booths: Yes
Hobo Burger: Winner
Update: Why aren't there more burger posts, you ask? Because this panda gave up after only 1 day. 7 days of burgers was a daunting task. Anyone feel up to the challenge?