Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Current Obsession

Guess who's diamond anniversary it is?

That's right, Scrabble's! How'd you know? Besides schooling you in the game any day of the week, let me school you on deluxe editions I must own.

I wanted this anniversary edition suitcase:

(Night Shot)

That is until I saw this one:
L.L. Bean Edition

Pandas are suckers for wood panelling and a score-keeping binder.

Then, the person who I school most days of the week found this one in his parents' attic:

Scrabble 1 Panda 0

Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer Vacation: It's All About Toilets

Why does The Mallard (amazing dive bar for bikers and impromptu high school reunions) have a Toto? Apparently the owner went to Japan and when he came back it was Totos for every stall.

Also see this?
That's a Google Toilet. Also top notch quality--it has a remote!

Nora Roberts, the famous romance novelist seems to enjoy cleanliness as well, her B&B in Boonsboro, Maryland rocks the deluxe edition. (Also read this article about her in the New Yorker, it's insane!)

Lastly, check out this amazing posting on Boing Boing about a vicious attack toilet.

OK one more thing, Toilet Moonwalk!