Apparently Kanye is retiring after his latest album,
808s and Heartbreak, to focus on his clothing line. I can't say that "retirement" is the right word. Has he been in the game that long? Or did he just burn out? Either way, I'm sure he'll be back for more.
Here are some other people who attempted to retire on multiple occasions:

Michael Jordan Who could forget his 3 retirements and brief stints in baseball and for the Washington Wizards? Also the namesake of my shoe obsession—Check out these sweet "Opening Day" Jordan I's with matching lid. Notice the classic pinstripe pattern, Sox-like logo and sweet baseball lacing detail on the toe box.
Apparently the colors are inspired by the home and away unis of his team the Sox affiliate the Birmingham Barons. The crest on the back outer heel represents the 3 homers and 51 RBIs Jordan had while playing for the Barons. You represent, Michael! No idea what the cap is about, some other equally hilarious stat I hope.
50 Cent When Kanye pushed Graduation to September 11, 2007, the same release date as Curtis was scheduled to drop, the G-Unit frontman promised retire if his own album did not outsell West's. West outsold 50 by 250,000 units. He has yet to make good on his threat.
Brett Favre I mostly felt sorry for Aaron Rogers (Cal Alum!) who was 2nd to the throne (of starting QB that is) to a man who "flirted with retirement for years" and claimed to be "mentally tired" just before signing with the Jets. Pretty cruel for such a nice guy.
Celine Dion The Canadian made plans to retire and now has a show in Vegas! Claims to be going into semi-retirement this year. Will she stay out for good? I'll await her return with bated breath. In the meantime, Cher has offered to take her place at Ceasar's Palace. At least Cher
never claims to call it quits!

Willie Mays Amazingly, throughout his 21 season
career, Mays only played for the Mets and the Giants.
Roger Clemens Clemens
career was marred multiple times by rumors of special treatment (ie not being required to travel with the team when not pitching) as well as by Jose Canseco's
tell all and subsequent trials in which he and fellow Yankees pitcher Andy Petit(along with Trainer McNamee) accused one another of lying. His forced retirement because of the steroids scandel is the only one to which I say, good riddance!
Jaÿ-Z I have love for the guy, but retiring after the Black Album and the Fade to Black tour/movie combo was a great way to go out. Two "comeback albums" later he is still recording, I would argue, subpar material. I do however, enjoy the Kingdom Come album cover.
Rickey Henderson Bill James on Rickey Henderson: "If you could split him in two, you'd have two Hall of Famers." Although practically guaranteed a spot, Rickey is still not actually in there yet because a player must be retired for 5 years before he can be nominated. he man of steal" finally left the majors in 2003 and will be eligible in 2009 for the hall although he still refuses to make it official. When is his shoe coming out? The crest could look like this: